Sons of Single Mothers Mentoring Days
Sons of Single Mother Mentoring is a mentoring program reserved for central Kentucky boys, ages 8-17, that live in single-mother households. Statistics tell us that children from fatherless homes are most susceptible to engaging in criminal activity, creating children out of wedlock, suffering from depression, and other challenges that negatively affect their social development. This program aims to combat those challenges with an onslaught of positive male role models from the community on a monthly basis. Some of the activities include mock job interviews, college visits, attending the movies, poetry in the park, museums, theme parks, church, going out to eat, essay contests, and more. We balance our activities so that our participants can get a sense of education, team building, and fun. We hope that new exposure can inspire them to push beyond their current condition. This program hopes to fill the void for male youths growing up without a father figure. Any single mothers interesting in getting their son involved please email us at Community members can support the program by signing up to volunteer or donating.