Empowering children to become community game changers!
Inspiring through art and education
Our mission is to inspire and motivate young people towards community leadership through art, education, mentoring, and community service! We encourage youth to define their purpose through their gifts and talents. Our legacy isn't defined by what we collect while we are here, but what we leave behind once we are gone. Investing in our youth is Believing in Forever.
Serving our Children
We implement programming that incorporates poetry, writing, and other forms of expressive art to help kids discover their passions. Our tutoring and mentorship programs focus on the importance of education, and help foster creativity and leadership qualities in our youth.
Serving our Community
Believing in Forever understands the importance of serving our community. We have several community events each year, such as Community on the Corners, a yearly coat drive, a free library, activism events, donation drives, and more. We also instill the importance of community service into all of our youth programming.
Serving the Future
Through our programs, we aim to lift up underserved populations in our community. By using activism, mentorship, and kindness, Believing in Forever hopes to help create a better tomorrow for our children— one that embraces equality and celebrates culture.
“Our legacy isn't defined by what we collect while we are here, but what we leave behind once we are gone.”
— Devine Carama, Founder of Believing in Forever