Devine Carama Speaks to Over 2,000 Students in Portland, OR On Hip Hop & Leadership!
Our director, Devine Carama, had the opportunity to speak to over 2,ooo students in Portland, Oregon last week as apart of his “Leadership & Legacy” tour. He visited Harriet Tubman Middle School, Jackson Middle School, Creston School K8, and Astor Elementary School. Check out Devine’s very own thoughts on his trip BELOW!!
**Devine’s experience in Portland last week can be found after scrolling past the pictures below.**
“5 years ago I took a leap of faith & started this motivational speaking thing.. I told myself I would push myself outside of the box while never straying away from who I was. So I’ve been using hip hop as away to explain the importance of leadership and community service to youth all over the union. Never in a million years did I think that leap of faith would take me on the other side of the country where my messages seems to still resonate. Portland is one of the whitest major cities in America and has had a history of some racism. Though my experience in my short stay in Portland was pleasant, I can only imagine the challenges that minorities may face living in such a majority dominated city like this. But it is in demos like this is where I notice a duel impact in my presentations. I’m offering inspiration and a dose of self worth to those feeling under represented, while also providing some education and the importance of inclusion for others. Still with the central focus of motivating ALL students on the importance of leadership and service and using hip hop and a unifying foundation for that message. Speaking to youth in your home state where many of them already know you, your message, and music is one thing, but being able to resonate with youth you’ve never met before on the other side of the country is not only inspiring but a reminder that I’m indeed operating in my calling and to continue to push forward! So thankful to my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, for the continued opportunities to live in my purpose!”
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